Interview | Beren Olivia talks about her experience with jealousy, self-esteem, determination and discipline

The singer already released two singles of her next EP, and the first one is about her relationship with herself

Being one of Beren Olivia’s first international interviews, Entretetizei had the opportunity to talk with the singer-songwriter with a promising future. From body posivity and mental health to determination, Beren told the story of her process as an artist up until the release of one of her new EP’s first single: the song Is That What You Like Now.

The track is about a very common situation, mainly nowadays: the comparison that we make between ourselves and our ex’s current partners. According to Beren Olivia, the song is about self-reflection and our relationships with ourselves and that this explains the minimalism in the music video: “When you look at yourself in the mirror, you only see yourself and don’t pay attention to what’s going on around you (…) You see flaws thhat no one else sees”. Following this context, the minimalistic aesthetic marks a tendency that, according to the singer, will keep happening on her next projects. Check it out:

The second single, Hurt Again, was already released and Beren says that the whole aesthetic choice will make sense the more she drops the next singles, because everything’s going to be surrounding mirrors.

Beren Olivia posing wearing a white t-shirt and a jeans jacket.
Instagram / @maxgiorgeschi


During her school days, the singer had constant swimming lessons, because she stood out from everyone else. Beren said during the interview that when she was nine she was accepted in a team that only accepted 12 year olds and up, and that this made her learn very early on to choose who she keeps in her life and to be more determined in her singing career: “I feel like it’s definitely a challenge. I have my moments; I feel like everybody has their moments of doubt, like: ‘Oh my God, can I do this? What am I doing?’, but I think that it’s very important to surround yourself with people who can, whenever you’re feeling like that, lift you up straight away. Like: ‘No, no, no, you’re this, you’re that, you’re great, you can do this’. You need to surround yourself with people who really believe in you (…) When I was 12, I was training 11 times a week: four in the morning before school, then right after school… All of this until I was 15, and I think that I learned a lot during those years. This taught me a lot about discipline and that if I really wanna succeed in something, I gotta work really hard for it“.

Beren Olivia posing with a yellow t-shirt.
Our Culture

Beren Olivia: post-pandemic dreams

Beren also told us  her first single was released right before the pandemic hit, which stopped her from experiencing life on stage and meeting her fans. This is an experience that she really wants to have after the pandemic. “I have huge dreams in this industry. I’d love to go on arena tours, stadium tours – to just travel and meet the people who have been so supportive during the last year – and to work with people that I adore and create music that people can relate to and understand and when we’re singing live it all comes together and we’re living in that moment.”

You can see more in the interview in our Youtube channel.

Did you already know Beren Olivia? Tell us on Entretetizei’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

*Cover picture’s credits: Broke Girl in the City

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